Childhood Cancer, is there really a problem?
Cancer in children and young people, the statistics
Childhood cancer types by incidence
Childhood cancer, a comparison with cystic fibrosis
Childhood cancer in general practice: is it really that rare?
- by Dr Jennifer Kelly, Grace Kelly Ladybird Trust
- Published in Innovait, 2017. 10(4) pp. 209 - 217.
"Childhood cancer is something most General Practitioners think to be rare, yet it is the biggest medical cause of death in
children aged between 1 and 14 years... This article aims to provide GPs with the tools and knowledge to diagnose
childhood cancer, and a framework to support children with cancer and their families long-term in the community."
Cancer in children and young people: a resource for clinicians
Cancer in children and young people is something that we, as clinicians are concerned about missing, but the signs can be subtle and non specific.
A lot of the information available in interspersed with guidance for adults, making it not as easily accessible.
The Grace Kelly Ladybird Trust is working to make this guidance rapidly accessible and practical for a busy clinician.
Cancer type
Soft tissue sarcoma including rhabdomysarcoma
Bone tumours - osteosarcoma, Ewing sarcoma
Useful charity resources and support group links
Signs and symptoms: Early identification
Early diagnosis: regional red flags for clinicians
RCGP module on cancer in children and young people
RCGP curriculum and childhood cancer
Childhood cancer: Spotting the signs and symptoms. Good Practice Points for Health Visitors
- written by the Grace Kelly Ladybird Trust in partnership with the Institute of Health Visitors
NICE, 2015 - adapted summary of guidance for suspected cancer in children and young people
Patient information leaflet: early symptoms and signs of childhood cancer for parents and carers