Trustees of the Grace Kelly Ladybird Trust
The vision of the Grace Kelly Ladybird Trust was born from the inspiration that Grace imparted on the people she met.
Grace was a compassionate and caring little girl, who above all wanted to help and look after others before herself.
We at the Grace Kelly Ladybird Trust are working to help raise awareness, fund research and make a difference to other children's lives.

Dr Jennifer Kelly MBChB hons MRCGP
Founder and Director and most importantly mother to Grace and Jessica.
"On 8th November 2014 our world collapsed as we lost our beautiful princess to a devastating illness. Childhood cancer stole her childhood, and claims the lives of 400 other children and young people in the UK every year.
Grace left behind a wish to help and take care of others. In setting up the Grace Kelly Ladybird Trust, this is something I am determined to do in her memory.
We are fighting to change this for other families.
If we can help stop one family facing the future that we now face without Grace, this work will be worthwhile."
Dr Jonathan Purves MBChB MRCGP
"I live in Worcestershire where I also work as a GP. My younger daughter was a good friend of Grace at the local school. I, like many in the local community was deeply saddened by Grace passing away and was shocked by the rapid progression after she first became unwell. Although children often feature in advertising campaigns for cancer charities, paediatric cancers receive less than 1.3% of the total research budget. I hope to help Jen and the Grace Kelly Ladybird Trust in its mission to increase research into childhood cancers and to help affected families."

Dr Rachel Purves MBChB MRCGP
"I got to know Grace through her friendship with my daughter. They were at Pre-School together and had only been in Reception Class at school for 6 weeks before Grace suddenly became ill. When she passed away just 3 weeks later this had and continues to have a huge impact on us as a family. In my work as a GP I have seen how devastating it is for all families affected by childhood cancer. This is why I wanted to help Jen by becoming a trustee in Grace's charity. There is much work to be done in finding better treatments for cancer in children as well as helping to support those families affected."
Victoria Billings BA CIM
Marketing and events
"Having known Grace since she was a bump in her mummy’s tummy and watching her develop over her 4 short but beautiful years, I have seen first-hand the utter devastation childhood cancer causes.
My role as trustee is therefore very personal and makes me even more determined to be able to use my marketing expertise and experience for this worthy cause. I have 12 years of marketing experience, including event management, advertising, PR, social media, digital project management and promotional campaigns. First and foremost however, I am a mother and nothing drives me more to support research into childhood cancer than the hope that we can make a difference to the families affected."

Matthew Hepplethwaite
Matthew has recently commenced as our new treasurer. We are delighted to welcome him to our team.
More about Matt to follow shortly.