Registered Charity number 1167783
For childhood cancer awareness and research into solid tumours in children and young people.
A little about us:
The Grace Kelly Ladybird Trust was set up in memory of 4 year old Grace who passed away in 2014 after being diagnoses with an aggressive form of cancer, a malignant rhabdoid tumour. As a caring, helpful little girl, Grace left behind a wish to help others. Through the Grace Kelly Ladybird Trust, we are working to make this possible.
In the UK, childhood cancer is the biggest medical cause of death of our children. Every year, just under 4,000 children and young adults in the UK receive this life changing diagnosis.
The Grace Kelly Ladybird Trust is working to raise awareness of this problem and to provide grants for research into rare paediatric childhood tumours, including malignant rhabdoid tumours.
Upcoming Events
Saturday 30th June - GKLT stall the South Co family fun day
Sunday 12th August - GKLT stall at the Worcester Show
Monday 27th August - The Ladybird Picnic family funday 11am till 4pm, Norton
More on this to come but for those who are not local to Worcestershire, we would love you to become involved by holding your own ladybird picnic over the summer months with friends. We will keep you updated! -
November 2nd Just Be ladies evening 7pm, Chateau Impney
04.06.18 Release of information fact sheets for GPs.
01.05.18 Worcester Bosch charity partnership raises £14,181 for the Grace Kelly Ladybird Trust.
15.01.18 Release of publications for parents and carers of child diagnosed with rhabdoid tumours
08.11.17 Grace Kelly Ladybird Trust annual public review 2016/2017
19.06.17 Health Visitors Good practice points and tips for parents